Make A Donation
or, sponsor a wreath for a Veteran’s grave >>
Oakdale Citizens Cemetery is an historical non-profit entity – a 501 (c) (13). If not for the ongoing support of our Oakdale friends and families, we would be unable to preserve the legacy of generations of families buried in our cemetery. We are owned by the families of those who are buried here or have graves for the future. Our income is derived from the sale of a grave or a service, and is never guaranteed to be there on a regular basis.
A cemetery is just like any other business with the normal business expenses to meet regularly. We know what our bills are, but never what our income will be. So, at times we reach out to our cemetery families and friends for extra help, sometimes tying those requests to a special project. Any dollar that is donated to us is one we didn’t have – and we try to be good stewards of the funds that are provided. Some families have also named OCC as the recipient of funds donated in memory of their loved ones for special projects on the cemetery grounds. Your assistance always welcomed and appreciated.
Wreaths Across America
We have an annual project called Wreaths Across America – whereby holiday wreaths to be placed at the graves of veterans are sponsored by generous donors.
Over 4300 cemeteries across the nation participate in honoring our veterans each December. We receive a $5 rebate for every wreath sponsored. Our goal for OCC this year is 950 wreaths, and we will welcome all to the ceremony and hope you will help us to place the wreaths.
Corner of 5th and J Streets Oakdale, CA 95361
Oakdale, CA 95361
Wednesday 9AM – 4PM
or by appointment